The clear driving force of the pair was Freiberg, born in Neu Leiningen, Germany, in 1823. At the age of 24, he immigrated to the United States in 1847, settling first in Williamstown, Kentucky, where he ran a general store for several years. In those days liquor was a staple of such enterprises and Freiberg soon became acquainted with leading Kentucky distillers and their products. After a few months, he decided that the future lay in selling whiskey not whisk brooms and 1852 he moved to Cincinnati. There he initially was a whiskey broker, credited with bringing the first commercial quantities of bourbon out of Kentucky. In 1855 he partnered with his future brother-in-law, Levi Workum, to establish a wholesale liquor business. A year later he married “Duffie” Workum, reputed to be the first Jewish child born west of the Allegheny Mountains. Two years later their first son, J. (Jacob) Walter Freiberg, was born.
The first location for Freiberg & Workum was a small store at 20 Sycamore Street, where the company remained until 1858 when larger quarters were required and the partners moved across the street to 13-15 Sycamore. Like many wholesalers, the partners were looking for an assured supply of whiskey for their liquor dealership and in 1857, after a brief time in business, they bought a newly completed distillery in Lynchburg, Highland County, Ohio. Their first label was “J. A. Bowen Whiskey,” named for the builder.

Freiberg & Workum became so successful that in 1867 the company purchased the Boone County Distillery at Petersburg, Kentucky. Located on the Ohio River not far from Cincinnati, this was a huge facility boasting a mashing capacity of 4,000 bushels per day and storage for 60,000 barrels. As early as 1860 the distillery is reputed to have produced an amazing 1.125 million gallons of whiskey.
Author Michael E. Becher, commenting on this purchase, has described its impact: “…Freiberg and Workum were the biggest fish in a very large pond. By 1880, the Petersburg distillery was making more whiskey than any other distillery in the state of Kentucky. That year, the distillery was worth $250,000 ($6.25 million today) and produced 975,820 gallons of whisky. By comparison, the nine distilleries in famed Bourbon County produced only 433,263 gallons of whiskey. By 1887 the Petersburg Distilleries annual capacity had ballooned to 4 million gallons.”
Julius Workum also was making a name for himself in political, and religious activities in Cincinnati. In 1873, for example, he was selected as one of the city’s representatives to the Ohio Constitutional Convention. He also was active in Jewish affairs, serving as president of the Bene Israel (Orthodox) congregation for 25 years. He also was active with Reform movements, working with Rabbi Wise when he founded the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) in 1873 and the Hebrew Union College two years later. Julius served as an officer of the UAHC and its president from 1889 to 1903. He helped found and support a number of Jewish charitable organizations.

Freiberg & Workum’s success might also have resulted from their many giveaway items to select customers, including shot glass and letter openers. Their wall signs given to saloons and restaurants featuring their brands were particular notable. One shown here advertises Highland Rye, depicting the loser of a political bet being made to tow the winner down a busy street to the delight of onlookers. A second,below right, was keyed to the railroad club car, showing two gents and a waiter with two bottles of Cabinet Rye.
Julius Freiberg died in 1905 and was buried in a Jewish cemetery near Cincinnati. His sons carried on the business for him with J. Walter Freiberg as the president. In 1909 the son sold the Boone County, Petersburg Distillery to the Whiskey Trust. The new owners reportedly operated it for some years, then sold off all the stored whiskey and eventually dismantled the buildings. The Lynchburg Distillery in Ohio continued to operate under Freiberg & Workum Co. management.
As the 1900s progressed prohibition campaigns were fast shrinking Freiberg & Workum’s markets for liquor. Localities and states one by one were voting to ban alcohol. With Congressional passage of the Webb-Kenyon Act in 1913, the company’s express mail trade into “dry” areas eventually was ended. When Ohio voted for statewide prohibition in 1918 the beginning of the end was evident for the 63-year-old firm. Federal records show, however, that J. Walter Freiberg was still making withdrawals from the company warehouses under government supervision as late as 1920. He died a year later.
Thus was concluded one of the swiftest rises in the history of the American liquor industry. In just 12 years, from 1855 to 1867, and despite the intervening Civil War, the brothers-in-law had gone from running from a small liquor store on a back street in Cincinnati to being the largest producers and merchandisers of whiskey in Ohio and Kentucky. As long as the country stayed “wet,” Freiberg & Workum was “the biggest fish.” With the triumph of the “drys,” however, the company became “a fish out of water.” Correction: “...Out of whiskey.”
Hello, Excellent website and interesting articles. I recently purchased a Freiberg & Workum F & W Highland Pure Rye back bar bottle decanter. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. I think it is strange that I can find history and info about this big operation but very few relics and collectibles. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteNick: Thanks for your kind remarks. You are right that Freiberg & Workum seem to have fewer artifacts than other distiller/wholesalers who were smaller. They did have saloon signs and bartender knife/openers but they did not have the array of clocks, fans, watch fobs, shot glasses, etc. that other Cincinnati outfits featured. It may have had something to do with their being large producers of whiskey and not selling much to the retail or mail order trade in their day. Rectifiers, the largest consumers of raw whiskey, did not need gimmicks to be buying from them. Often they were desperate to find supplies, esp. after the Whiskey Trusts got started and hiked prices. Just a speculation. Jack
ReplyDeleteGentlemen, if anybody knows of any Freiberg & Workum artifacts on the market, or even to have a cell phone photo sent, I would enormously appreciate being in put in touch. Thanks. J.W. Freiberg. My email:
ReplyDeleteMr. Freiberg, we are relatives, as Stella and J. Walter were my great grandparents. I would love to know any family history or details you may have, andI am also interested in any distillery artifacts if you have any knowledge of them. Please don't hesitate to contact me at
DeleteDear John: I hope you are able to make contact with your Freiberg relative. There should be lots of interesting stories there. Jack
DeleteMr.Freiberg,I have a close friend that still live in Lynchburg,OH.,
Deleteand he has a full bottle of Freiberg & Workum has been in his family for years they lived in Hillsboro,OH. If your interested Lmk
Hello, I am interested in the Freiberg & Workum bottle. My email is Could you please send the information if this is still available? Thank you!
DeleteApegan: I am a relative of the Freibergs (mother's maiden name) and actually have relatives in Hillsboro, OH as well - which means they HAVE to know your close friend's family as that town is not big enough not too. Your friend still have the bottle?
DeleteJ. Walter: I assume that you are part of the distinguished Freiberg clan and hope that people with F & W items will respond. At this point, after years of downsizing my collections, I have none. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI just found these replies to me little notice. If anyone comes to the Boston area, do contact me at Best regards to all, JWF III (P.S. there is a JWF IV and a one-year old JWF V...)
ReplyDeleteJ Wallter Freiberg 111 and John Brockmeier I have an artifact I will email pictures. If you're interested you may make me an offer. I found it interesting and started to search to know about it and I found this article. The piece I have It says it's from 1896.
ReplyDeleteHello Jacqueline, Do you still have the artifact? If so, my email is Thank you!
DeleteI found a bottle in my ceiling while renovating my house - I can’t read it all & the label in the back is gone but from what I can see “east or west it is the best” highland pure rye Lynchburg - can’t find a date. Would love to preserve it
DeleteI have a bottle freiburg workum distilleries and fort wayne drug company GREEN TURTLE WHISKEY distillery no. 13 1st dist Ohio.
ReplyDeletetrying to find info on it
ReplyDeleteThe brand "Green Turtle" was registered with the US Patent Office, ca. 1910 . It was registered to Fort Wayne Drug Co. of Ft. Wayne, IN. I cannot find a listing of a distillery of that name nor any listed as No. 13, Dist.1 in Ohio.
I have a small Green Turtle bottle and it has Freiburg Workum on it .
DeleteUnknown: Freiberg & Workhum had a "blizzard" of brands. Although I cannot find "Green Turtle" listed among them by expert Robin Preston, it is not surprising that they would have such a brand. The only "Green Turtle" Preston registers, by the way, is the one from Ft. Wayne.
ReplyDeleteI have a small Green Turtle Freiburg Workum bottle . I also have a bottle labeled Lynchburg Ohio on the back and the brand is Old Brockport .
ReplyDeleteUnknown: Your turtle bottle is a favorite with collectors. As for the "Old Brockport flask, you might want to check in with the Lynchburg Ohio Historical Society. Tel: (937) 364-2511.
ReplyDeleteSuch an interesting page. I acquired from a family member, many years ago, a full unopened bottle of the Clinton Whiskey dated back Jan. 1920.I am looking to sell it.
ReplyDeletedo you still have this, very interested.
DeleteAnon: My suggestion is that you go online to sites that sell or auction vintage whiskeys as a business and see if there is interest in one of them buying it from you.
ReplyDeleteMy maternal grandmother was a Workum. Any relatives out there ? Steven @ Cincinnati
ReplyDeleteAnon: From the number of family members who have contacted me since 2015, I am sure there are lots of Friebergs, etc., out there who are interested in being in touch with kinfolk.
ReplyDeleteI have a bottle of Superior bourbon Old Judge Taylor Whiskey sealed pre prohabition with small evaporation. Would like any info i could get
ReplyDeleteAnon: I am not an expert on "heritage" whiskeys but many of them of pre-Pro vintage and unopened, have value. Check the internet for dealers.