Details of his next few years are scant. Yokum is said to have engaged in “the old ranching and cowboy life of the American West,” eventually becoming a United States marshal and gaining the title “Major.” This rambling did not deter him from an early marriage. In 1890, at age 24, in Callahan, Texas, Bob wed Inez Coppins, a Michigan-born girl who was only 15 years old at the time. They had two children. The 1900 Census found the family living in Ft. Pierre, South Dakota, shown below. Yokum’s occupation was given as “drayman” — the driver of a flatbed wagon, called a “dray,” pulled by horses or mules.
Beer frequently was hauled on drays, a cargo that might have brought Yokum in close contact with the saloons of Ft. Pierre and neighboring Pierre, the state capitol. Blessed with a good business sense, before long Yokum was reported to have owned at least two such establishments. Unfortunately I have been unable to discover their names but believe one was the “Buffalo Saloon,” as suggested by the paperweight that opens this vignette.
The American buffalo for years was considered untameable and many biologists considered it as one of the most stupid animals in existence. That did not deter Bob Yokum, drawing on his experience with horses and mules, from experimenting on his ranch to see what they could be taught to do. “His troubles and trials with the unwieldy bison were innumerable,” noted one writer. A photo below of a smashed wagon with onlookers and a pair of buffalo standing by lend credence to that view.

Yokum’s singular feat was introducing a bison into a Mexican bullring. The idea was hatched during the winter of 1906-1907 to see which was the more dominant animal — a fighting bull (toro) or the American buffalo. Loading one eight-year old bull buffalo and one four-year old in a boxcar a group of South Dakota men that included Yokum headed to Mexico. According to one account, “Bob was a major instigator in arranging the buffalo versus bull fight with friends in El Paso and Juarez. Bob made sure there was plenty of alcohol in the baggage to make the trip a more pleasant experience….”
After a seven day trip the group arrived in Juarez just in time for the afternoon show of four regular bullfights and as the finale the American buffalo vs. Mexican bull. According to the account, the older buffalo, named Pierre, was released into the ring where it walked calmly to the middle: “When the attendants released a red Mexican bull into the ring, he immediately spied the buffalo and charged. The bull aimed for the buffalo’s flank; but at the last second, the buffalo pivoted and the bull hit him head on…and was knocked back on his haunches.” A second and third charge yielded the same result. “On the fourth attempt, the bull again hit the buffalo's head, was stunned and fell to the ground. Then the bull rose up, fled from the buffalo and tried to climb out of the ring.”

Yokum went back to his buffalo farm and to operating saloons in both Pierre and Ft. Pierre. When the latter town under “local option” went dry about 1910, Bob clearly was distressed and upon subletting his building included a provision banning anyone else from running a saloon there if the laws changed. In fighting a court challenge to the provision, his lawyer explained: “Mr. Yokum had been conducting a saloon in this building and this saloon business always was a touchy affair….He is praying for the time when Ft. Pierre will again become wet and he can again run a saloon there.” No indication exists of that having happened and by 1917 the entire state of South Dakota had banned alcohol.

I loved this vignette. It was well researched and written.
ReplyDeleteI find identified antique historic photographs for researchers. I have one “Bob” R. L. Yokum from St. Pierre, South Dakota with his team of Buffalo in 1906 with Ben Bindell. Many souvenir postcards exist of this famous and only Buffalo Team but this is an original photograph.
Contact me at:
Unknown: Thanks for your kind comments about my post on Bob Yokum. He is one of my favorite whiskey men. I own a paperweight he issued with his photo on it. I hope someone reading this post will be interested in your offer.
ReplyDeleteI have a whiskey bottle with his picture say bob yokum's bufflo whiskey
ReplyDeleteUnknown: This is a great find! My assumption is that a labeled whiskey with Yokum's picture on it is rare. My research for the post did not uncover any. I would like to add it to the article, giving you credit, if you can email the image to me, along with your name and town. My email addewss is jack.sullivan9@verizon,net.
ReplyDeleteHi Jack, I'm working on a film that features that image of Scotty Philip's buffalo, Pierre, and the Spanish bull in the ring in Juarez. I've asked the Philp family, the Verendrye Museum (in Fort Pierre), and the SD State Historical Society if they know where the original (or even a copy) might be, with no luck. Would you happen to have a copy of the photo, or know someone who might? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSusan: I have no idea. Took it off the internet years ago. You can use any of the images in my post. Good luck on your film. An interesting story.
DeleteThe bull in the ring image is from a postcard published at the time. I also remember seeing some of these images in a contemporary magazine article.
DeleteAnon: You are right. It is a fabulous image, the bull trying to figure out the buffalo.