Jack was born in 1877 in Taos, New Mexico, one of five sons of Simon and Annie Danciger. They were only one of two non-Spanish, non-Indian families in the small town. Simon ran a general store in Taos and owned a ranch outside town where he raised cattle. One story told about Jack is that at six years old he was kidnapped by a nearby Indian chief who was childless and wanted the boy as a son. When Jack’s whereabouts were discovered, his parents through careful negotiation were able to retrieve him.
At about 16 years, Jack was put to work by his father in the

There he got active in Democratic politics, was fired from Swift for his activities, and found another Chicago employer who made use of his fluency in Spanish to send him on missions to Latin America. There he developed a lifelong interest in Hemisphere affairs, especially Mexican politics. With the death of his father in the early 1900s, everything changed. Jack quit his job, left Chicago and rejoined his family in Kansas City.
Brothers Dan, Abe, Joe and Mo joined Jack in agreeing that although Simon’s will

The Dancigers appear to have been “rectifiers,” that is blenders of whiskey bought elsewhere, bottled and label by them, and then sold to dealers and the public. The trade card shown here does not claim operation of a distillery, only a “Western warehouse.” The Danciger’s brewery was the Weston Brewing Company that had been plagued for years by economic problems. In 1907, Jack and his brothers purchased it, incorporating with capital stock listed at $200,000 and moved its offices to their West Sixth Street location.

Although Mother Annie presided over the corporation, Jack Danciger was the principal director and its sales manager. With characteristic energy, he set out to advance the family venture, traveling to Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Virginia and Ohio to merchandise Danciger Bros. whiskey and beer. An early marketing ploy was to create a separate “distilling company” around a flagship brand called “Harvest King Baltimore Rye” It was sold in quarts and flasks, sent throughout the U.S., and the company paid express charges. As an ad here shows, they disguised their whiskey by packaging it in coffee drums that could not be pilfered nor the contents detected.
Harvest King ads emphasized a quality product with a cowboy character swatting out individuals labeled, among others, “bum dealer,” “grafter,” and “poison.”

While Jack and his brothers were striving hard to build a national customer base for their Kansas City liquor, aided by the railroad center the city had become, they struggled with local option laws that forbid alcohol. The Dancigers hauled

Perhaps concerned about the future of the whiskey trade, in 1909 Jack and his brothers expanded their interests. They bought a run-down multistory building on Sixth and Wyandotte and remodeled it into a hotel. Called The Jefferson, it was a luxury establishment. The Dancigers later sold it to Tom Pendergast, the political boss of Kansas City. More important to the family was a trip Jack took to Oklahoma. He bought a piece of property there

Meanwhile Jack was becoming entangled in Mexican politics. Supporting the successful rise to power of a Mexican politician named Carranza, he was rewarded with being named the Mexican Consul in Kansas City. That city had become a magnet for Mexican immigrant workers and their families and the duties could be burdensome. Jack saw a business advantage. In 1915 he bought a Spanish-language newspaper called “El Cosmpolita” He used the paper to support his political friends across the border and to sell Danciger whiskey and beer in Mexico.
Through the newspaper, love came into Jack’s heretofore bachelor life. One of his

Within months Prohibition closed in tightly. The Webb-Kenyon Act passed in 1916 made it a federal offense to send liquor into dry areas. The Danciger Bros. business was struck a fatal blow and circa 1918 ceased operations. Brands like Harvest King and Red Chief disappeared forever. The brothers sold their brewery but for a time continued to market non-alcoholic cordials and other beverages.
By now firmly in the oil business, Jack Danciger and his brothers closed the door on the past and gave their

Queenie Bailey |
Danciger continued to promote his Latin American ties and was named an Honorary Consul in Fort Worth by the government of the Dominican Republic. He received multiple citations and honors from several Latin countries and from U.S. states and localities in the American Southwest. Most cited his work on behalf of better Inter-American relations. In his later years Jack Danciger became known as a philanthropist, founding a number of libraries and schools in Mexico, Chile and Uruguay. His extensive collection of Peruvian pottery was gifted to the University of Texas. He also was a generous contributor to Jewish charities. When Jack Danciger died in 1966 at the age of 89, his whiskey days were almost a half century behind him.
Note: Much of the information in this article is from a biography by General Ignacio Richkarday published in 1963. Richkarday, a colleague of Danciger from his newspaper days, wrote a book-length tribute to his former boss that emphasizes Danciger’s Latin American activities and mentions only in passing the two decades he was with his brothers in Kansas City in the liquor business.
I met Mr. Jack Danciger in Argentina, my country, in around 1945-1946. He was already retired and dedicated his like to phylantropy . At that time he used to chose poor, decent, enterprising young peruvians, bolivians, chileans and invited them to the USA to be trained in raising cattle and farming. After they approved these courses they returned to their countries and Jack would give them some farm land , cattle and a small capital to start as independent farming persons. Mr. Danciger introduced me to Mr. James F. Lincoln who backed me to apply to Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio, where I graduated as an electrical engineer. Mr. Danciger and Mr. James F. Lincoln were my godafathers in a professional career that made me a successful engineering professional. God bless them. Oscar Schwartz, Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am 88 years old and I will never forget these two fantastic men.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir: I thank you so much for sharing your story. I have met at least one other person who knew him and had the same high impression of his generosity.
ReplyDeleteSuch an interesting post! We (the Fort Worth Public Library Archives) have bound volumes of Danciger's El Cosmopolita (1914-1919), plus a small collection of his papers.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: Thanks for your kind comments. Danciger's life deserves a full length book treatment that is not just a puff piece like Gen. Richkarday's.
DeleteHe is a relative of mine I was wondering if there is a larger collection held somewhere?
DeleteAnon: I would check in with the Fort Worth Public Library Archivists. They may well have a line on Danciger's papers or guide you to someone who does.
ReplyDeleteI have a bottle from this era which my dad found on the old home place that was built in 1840 northeast of wichita Kansas. Contact me if it’s of interest to anyone-archive or otherwise danjenben@gmail.com