Although Binswanger family roots were in Germany, from whence both his father, Henry, and mother, Lena, had emigrated, Simon was born in 1857 in Richmond, Missouri, where Henry was employed as a traveling salesman. After attending local schools and achieving the rudiments of a business education, Simon went to work as a bookkeeper for a local firm, likely a

Three years later Binswanger moved north 140 miles to Omaha, Nebraska, where he partnered with a man named Solomon Ehrman to open a liquor dealership at 1109 Farnham Street. They called their establishment “Ehrman and Binswanger.” Evidently business in Omaha was not what they expected and three years later they closed shop there and moved the considerable distance back to St. Joseph, a town that called itself “The City Worthwhile.” There they opened a liquor store at 208 Edmond Street, a main commercial avenue, shown here on a 1905 postcard.
The partners appeared to have fared well in St. Joseph for the next six years, but split up in 1892 or 1893, with Binswanger staying at the Edmond Street address and Ehrman moving on to quarters on North Third Street. The cause of the breakup is unclear but for the next 19 years the former partners were competitors for the drinking public of St. Joseph until Ehrman died in 1913, reportedly as the

Binswanger never looked back and moved briskly to create his own series of brands. How and why he selected the name “Famo” for his flagship label is undisclosed. He merchandised it as “hand made, sour mash, Kentucky bourbon” and gave it a fancy label, shown most dramatically on the shot glass that opened this article. The flaming red color and scrolls and curlicues on the Famo lettering are particularly notable.
The source of Binswanger’s whiskey was a distillery, known as #18 in the 20th District of Kentucky and operated by Silas Rosenfeld. This plant, also known as the Rock Springs Distillery, had been built about 1870 two miles west of the Daviess County Courthouse on the banks of the Ohio River. It
About 1900 Simon took his brother, Samuel, into the business as a partner and changed the company name to Simon Binswanger & Bro. He advertised his firm as a “wholesale liquor company.” With their business expanding, in 1904 Binswangers moved their

In addition to his Famo Whiskey, Binswanger featured a range of other brands, including “Blue Valley,” “Hambeltonian,” “Imperial Club,” Kentucky Run,” “Melvin Pure Malt,” “Paradise Club Rye,” “Rockford,” “Uncle Abe,” “Village Belle,” and “Suburban Rye.” He trademarked Famo and Blue Valley in 1905 and Melvin Pure Malt and Suburban Rye in 1906. He never bothered to register the other whiskeys with the federal government, suggesting that they were less important brands. With labels bearing the distinctive Famo design, the company bottled that whiskey in both clear glass quarts and pint flasks, some of the latter with a fancy ribbing on the

As he established himself in business, Simon found time to marry. In 1885, at the age of 28, he wed Yetta Westheimer, seven years his junior. Yetta was a native-born Missourian, whose parents both had

By 1920, however, Binswanger and his liquor business effectively had been shut down by National Prohibition. At that point Simon was of retirement age and there is no record to show he subsequently entered on a new occupation. In 1928, six years before Repeal, Simon Binswanger died in St. Joseph mourned by his sons and

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