Bosak was born in 1870 in Saris, a town then a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire but now part of the Slovak Republic. He emigrated to the United States about 1887. As many Eastern European immigrants did, he settled in the anthracite-rich region of Northeastern Pennsylvania and went to work in a mine at Hazelton as a breaker boy to make a living. Finding the work unrewarding on many counts, he eventually shifted employment and worked for several Slovak liquor merchants in the area, taking orders and delivering merchandise. Frugal in his habits, Bosak saved sufficient money to open his own liquor store in Hazelton during the 1890s. When it prospered he opened a saloon called Glinsky’s Tavern in nearby Olyphant and subsequently a branch in Scranton, Pennsylvania on Lackawanna Avenue.
The Scranton branch was so successful that it outpaced the Slovak’s other outlets and became his headquarters for his operation, as shown here in an illustration. He termed his business “importers

In the meantime Bosak was having a personal life. He married when he was in his early twenties to another Slovak immigrant named Susanna, still in her teens. The 1910 census found him, age 40, living in Scranton with his wife and four children, two boys and two girls ranging in age from 19 to a baby under a year. Although listed in the census as “proprietor-wholesale liquor,” Bosak already was branching out in his business interests.
As an outgrowth of his liquor business, he founded the Bosak Manufacturing Co. about 1894. It turned out bottles of Bosak’s Horke Vino, a wine-based nostrum that was alleged to be a remedy for a variety of ailments, including constipation and loss of appetite. Presumably the potion was taken from an old Slovak recipe in Bosak’s possession. During a period

Bosak’s wealth allowed him to pursue other business interests.

Despite his business success, Bosak never forgot the place of his birth. During World War One he organized collections to help the Slovak residents who were suffering from wartime conditions. The government was exhausted by the war and could not take care of its people, many of whom were refugees and prisoners of war. From all over America concerned citizens sent new and used clothing, as well as money through Bosak who made the necessary arrangements for their transfer to Eastern Europe. A Slovak newspaper hailed his efforts, saying “Oh, how they rejoice that their brothers in distant America remember them.”
At the conclusion of the war and the final break-up of the Austro-Hungarian state, strong efforts were made to create a new country called Czechoslovakia. Czech and Slovak leaders, including Bosak,

At home, however, Bosak was facing problems with U.S. officialdom. In 1913, he was hauled into court by the State of Pennsylvania who accused him of misbranding vodka. He was found guilty by a District Court and fined. About the same time the Internal Revenue Service began taking a hard look at Horke Vino. Its officials

A few years later the imposition of National Prohibition shut down Bosak’s liquor business entirely. Shown here is the Bosak State Bank. Comparing it with the illustration of the building housing his liquor empire you find they were one and the same. From “booze to banking” apparently was an easy transition. Bosak also took the step of claiming a trademark for Horke Vino, under the category of “chemical, medicines and pharmaceutical preparations.” Despite the trademark, as Prohibition progressed, the IRS began to take increasing interest in Horke Vino as liquor in another guise. Whatever the reason, Michael found it expedient to sell the Bosak Manufacturing Co. The name was changed by the new ownership to the Gold Seal Manufacturing Co.

The ultimate blow to Bosak’s business empire came in 1929 and the dawn of the Great Depression. His banks faltered and finally in 1931, failed and closed. His earning of a lifetime virtually were wiped out. Bosak was 61 years old. He would live another six years, dying on February 18, 1937. Although gone, he has been far from forgotten. Two of his descendants memorialized him in a book called “Michael Bosak: An American Banker from Saris.” In 1999 on the 130th Anniversary of his birth, the Michael Bosak Society came into existence. The main aim of the Society, in addition to keeping alive Bosak’s contributions and legacy, is organizing a yearly competition for business and economics students in Slovakian secondary schools. They vie to win a monetary prize in Bosak’s name.
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