Catherine Klausman (nee Kronenwetter) was born St. Marys in 1875. She was the daughter of Nicholas Kronenwetter, an immigrant from Wurtemburg, Germany, and Barbara Bindel Kronenwetter, a native Pennsylvanian. She had one sister who later became a nun. Although Catherine could read and write, her schooling appears to have been limited. By the age of 22 she had met and married William Aloysius Klausman, who was four years older and likewise had been born in St. Mary’s.
Their home town, shown above in an 1895 map, had been founded by devout Bavarian Roman Catholics in 1842 originally as “Marienstadt,” (Mary’s City). It is situated in North Central, Pennsylvania, in Elk County, so called because it is the center of the state’s elk country. The Klausman’s home town was nestled within a wooded region with some agriculture and mining of coal and other minerals.

The German House was one of the more ornate buildings in town and had a pressed metal facade, a common architectural feature of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. This one was made by the Mesker Brothers Iron Works of St. Louis, a well-known manufacturer and designer of ornamental sheet-metal facades and cast iron storefronts. The design had been selected by perusing Mesker’s catalogue of facings, taking measurements and ordering by mail. The hotel still stands, part of the St. Marys Historical District, with the ironwork intact and a plaque attached by the Meskers. A photo of the interior of the barroom, below, showing patrons hoisting beers, was also appears to be well-designed space. Groll is identified as the man standing behind the bar.
By this time, William and Catherine Klausman had a family. Son Karl was born in 1899 when she was 22, followed by Albert (1902), Gertrude (1906) and Helen Marie (1909). The 1910 census found the family living at 22 Railroad Street, the German House. In addition to their hotel guests, most of them construction workers, Groll, the hotel cook, a waitress and a porter all were living on the premises.
In 1912, the Klausman’s last child, William, was born. That same year his father, William, suddenly died at the young age of 41. As his family grieved at his gravesite, he was buried in Saint Marys Cemetery, a place where both his own and his wife’s parents were interred. Catherine was left with an infant, a toddler, and three other children under ten. Many women quickly would have sold the German House. Catherine Klausman, however, was made of strong stuff — like the iron facade on the hotel. With the help of Bartender Groll, she kept the place open and prospered by selling both at wholesale and retail her own brands of whiskey.

By 1920, however, National Prohibition had brought a close to the thriving business she was doing with whiskey sales. Moreover, the hotel bar no longer could serve alcohol. Regardless of these setbacks, however, she persevered in running the hotel The 1920 census found her still living at the German House, a widow, with her five children still with her. Karl was an adult of 21 and helping in the hotel, as were the other children down to seven-year-old William. At the time of the 1930 census, Catherine, now 54, was continuing to run the hotel. Her two youngest children were still with her. Mrs. Klausman operated the German House as a hotel through the 1930s, but there is no evidence that after repeal of National Prohibition in 1934, she went back to liquor sales.

When she died in 1963, at the age of 88, she was buried next to William in the St. Marys Cemetery. As noted earlier, the German House building remains standing as part of the town’s historic district on Railroad Street. A 2010 photo below shows the iron facade — the structure with the street light in front —but it appears that the building may have been boarded up.

Including Mary Dowling and Mary Moll, I have profiled three women on this blog who inherited a whiskey-related business from a deceased husband. Among the three, however, Catherine Klausman is unique. She continued to run the German House and expanded operations to include bottling and wholesaling of both her own and other brands of whiskey, while bearing the simultaneous responsibility of raising five minor children. Little wonder the name “Mrs. Klausman” was uttered with respect on the streets of St. Marys.
Note: Both Ferd Westheimer and Sam Thompson, referenced on labels above, have been subjects of my prior posts: Westheimer in May 2014, and Thompson in September 2012. My post on Mary Dowling was January 2014 and on Mary Moll, October 2015.