In the 1890 “Blue Book,” the defacto social register of Philadelphia, among the names to be found in that highly selective volume — 25,000 among 1.5 million population — were those of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stout Perrine, living on fashionable Mount Vernon Street. The entry did not mention that, along with his brother, Mathew, he was one of the city’s most successful liquor dealers.
The Perrines had long been an established American family. Their founding ancestor, Daniel Perrin, known as “The Hugenot" (French Protestant), had arrived on these shores in 1665, settling in the New York area. The Perrine brothers had been born in New Jersey. Their father was Thomas Morford Perrine whose first wife, Elizabeth, was the daughter of General James Cook. When she died a year later in childbirth, Thomas married a second time, Elizabeth Stout, likely a cousin. She was the mother of Mathew, born in 1831, and Jonathan, shown here in maturity, born in 1836.
Because the brothers claimed that the origin of their business was 1845 when both would still have been children, it has been speculated that their father started the liquor store in Philadelphia. Thomas Perrine, however, was recorded serving many years the as the chief warden of the State Prison in Trenton, New Jersey, and is not known to have left the state. A more likely explanation is that the Perrine brothers bought an unnamed liquor dealership in Philadelphia that dated back to 1845. Both brothers were recorded by the 1870 census working in the liquor business. Their company first was listed in business directories in 1871, called “M. & J.S. Perrine” and located at 37 North Front Street.
The substantial three story building, shown here, that housed the liquor dealership indicates that the brothers were “rectifying” whiskey, that is buying it from the many distillers then operating in Pennsylvania, blending and compounding it, and selling under their own labels. As a result of these activities, the Perrines were able to merchandise a number of brands. They included “Chemically Pure,” “Palace Club,” “Palace Rye,” “Perrine’s Monogram Pure Rye,” “Perrine’s Old Memorial Whiskey,” “Perrine’s Golden Lake Pure Rye,” and “Perrine’s Pure Barley Malt Whiskey.” They also featured a line of gins, brandies and products they called “Apple Whiskey and “Apple Ginger.” With the exception of “Chemically Pure” in 1886, the company does not appear to have trademarked any of its brands.

The brothers operated their liquor business with growing success throughout the latter part of the 1800s. As his sons matured, Jonathan took William into the business. Edmund, however, was destined to become a medical doctor of considerable reputation in the Philadelphia area. About 1894, Mathew, now age 63 and possibly in bad health, withdrew from the firm. The following year the name of the firm was changed to J. S. Perrine & Son Company. William, age 30, now was a full-fledged partner in the business.
During this period, the Perrines were active in the fight against the Whiskey Trust, formally known as the Distillers and Cattle Feeders Company. In 1892, Jonathan was a leader in organizing a meeting of prominent wholesale liquor dealers in Eastern cities, said to represent $6 million ($150 million today) in assets. Their purpose was to organize an association for their own protection against the Trust which was viewed as “stretching out its influence all over the land….”
Most of these anti-Trust Eastern liquor dealers would have been “rectifiers” like the Perrines, blending and compounding whiskey bought from distillers. The Trust was known to seek a distilling monopoly and then hike prices steeply to rectifiers. The new association was described as seeking to “free its members from the exactions….” of the monopoly. Perrine was elected treasurer. Faced with similar organized opposition in New York State, Kentucky and elsewhere, the threat from the Illinois-based Trust eventually dissipated.
Meanwhile, the Jonathan Perrines had achieved “Blue Book” status. While that publication disclaimed “to pass upon the social standing of the parties embodied within its pages,” the implication was clear. Being in the Blue Book made one a Mainline Blue Blood. The book recommended itself to “wives and daughters at home” (i.e. about marriage eligible men) and “the commercial and professional community in their offices and counting-rooms, (i.e., about doing business). Wealth, even from whiskey, went a long way to gaining social status.
Jonathan Perrine died in October, 1906, at age 72, while in Moorestown, Pennsylvania. He left an estate to his wife, Anna, and his sons said to be worth $135,000 ($3.375 million today). He was buried in West Laurel Hill Cemetery in suburban Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. He would be joined in death by Anna six years later. The couple’s gravestone is shown here. Lying nearby is Jonathan’s brother and partner, Mathew Perrine, who had died in 1898. Meanwhile, William was guiding the fortunes of the Perrine enterprise that moved at least twice during his management. Records indicate that William died in 1914, but the business continued on until 1918, apparently run by other family members. The last address was 62 North Front Street.
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