Mackmiller was born in Dodge County in southeastern Wisconsin, a farming region lying roughly between the capital at Madison and the Milwaukee metropolis. He was the son of Friedrich and Friedricke Schallert Mackmiller, both immigrants from Germany. The date of Theodore’s birth on his gravestone is 1861, but census records give various dates. Upon attaining adulthood, he married Alvena Dorothea, who like him had been born in Wisconsin of German immigrant parents. They would have one child, Lillian, born in 1888.
By the time of her birth, the Mackmiller’s were already established in Iron River, the main street shown above. Theodore was recorded in 1886 as running the “City Meat Market” there, residing above the store with his small family. He must have seen some future promise despite the town having just a few hundred residents in a sparsely populated region with only timber and mining to provide substantial employment.
Iron River was not completely isolated, however, located at the crossroads of two major highways, one heading west toward Duluth, Minnesota, and the other linking destinations south. This also was the age of railroad building and the area history is replete with efforts, most of them failed, to link the county to the outside world by rail. Some of the lines were the Bayfield Harbor and Great Western Railroad; the Bayfield, Superior and Minneapolis Railway; and the Bayfield Transfer Railway.
At what point Mackmiller abandoned selling ham hocks and bacon to the residents of Iron River is not clear. By the early 1900s, however, he was fully engaged in selling whiskey. A 1905 Wisconsin State census recorded his occupation as “wholesale liquor.” He had recognized that the market for whiskey among the thirsty miners — and perhaps among the Native-Americans — had triggered a significant increase in saloons in Iron River and other Bayfield County towns. He advertised he could supply them with liquor by the barrel or large ceramic jugs that they could decant into their own containers for sales over the bar or at retail.

Apparently without stinting his liquor trade, Mackmiller vigorously was marketing his bottled soft drinks and mineral waters. The Appleton, Wisconsin, newspaper reported in 1906 that he had just returned from a two-month trip to far off Oregon “looking after business interests.” In 1910 Mackmiller was reported by the same publication as embarking on a business trip to Chicago. One indication that he was selling his bottled goods widely was his registering names with the government, something he had never done for his whiskeys. The Patent and Trademark Office recorded that he successfully filed in March 1903 to trademark the name “Pheasant Brand Splits” for his brand of mineral water.

At the age of 73 and retired when Prohibition was rescinded, Mackmiller rejected returning to the liquor trade that had made his fortune. He continued to live in Iron River during his declining years with Alvena, who died in 1941. She was buried in the Iron River City Cemetery. Although he had been afflicted with “rheumatism” through much of his life, Theodore lived another four years before dying in October, 1945, at the age of 84. He was buried next to his wife; his gravestone is shown here.
Today Iron River has the same small town look that it had in Mackmiller’s day. According to the most recent census figures, there were 1,059 people in town and 485 households. Having driven through Iron River on U.S. Highway 2 on the way to Duluth some years ago, I can attest to its somewhat sleepy character. The many embossed bottles carrying the name of T. F. Mackmiller and Iron River, help us remember that at the beginning of the last century an enterprising whiskey man helped to put the town on the map.
Note: All the images of Mackmiller bottles are from the excellent website of a Wisconsin resident who calls himself “Mr. Bottles” and displays pictures of bottles from throughout the Badger State. He has done a service for his state that might well be emulated in other places.
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