Born into a well-known family of actors, Reuben Ring chose to sell whiskey for a living rather than perform on a stage. Perhaps he had talent but lacked the necessary passion for the limelight. On the other hand, there were government authorities from Maine to Minnesota who strongly might contend that Ring’s business practices proved that he was, in truth, a bad actor.

Reuben’s father was James H. Ring. While not boasting so distinguished a career as Fisher, his mother’s father, James H. was a well-known comedian and actor who played for years with the Boston Museum acting company, so called because its early performances were held in the quarters, of the Boston Museum. Shown above is a photo of a performance. As the troupe’s leading comedian that may be James at far left.
The acting “bug” apparently never bit Reuben. Although, as we shall see, the tradition carried on with later generations, this Ring sought other career paths. When he registered for the Civil War draft in 1863, he gave his occupation as “clerk.” The 1870 census found him still living at home with his parents, a 30-year-old bachelor. His occupation then was given as “gas pipe salesman.”

By 1862 Pecker had moved to larger quarters at 39 and 41 Commercial Street. There he hired as a manager, Frank O. Dame, turning the liquor house over to him by 1869. Dame changed the business name to his own. While staying at the Commercial Street address, he continued to sell Custom House Gin, and added proprietary whiskey brands “Club Old Bourbon” and “Club A.A.” bourbon and rye.
At some point, Dame hired Reuben Ring who by 1890 was spokesman for the firm. Ring was quoted in Bonfort’s, a whiskey trade paper, commenting on the year just past at Dame’s liquor store and saying: “…In some respects it was the best year the house ever had.” This prosperity was reflected in the larger Boston economic scene, the city shown here as it looked in 1890. By now almost 50 years old and still a bachelor, Reuben married in 1891. His bride was Annie C., a woman about his age who had a married son, Harry Delano. The 1900 census found the Delanos living with the Rings.
By 1896, Frank Dame had exited the scene and Ring became the sole proprietor of the Commercial Street liquor house. Reuben Ring and Co. continued to feature the two proprietary brands, as indicated by illustrations from the company letterhead. He also was pursuing aggressive business methods that were not always appreciated by local authorities. Maine officially had gone “dry” not long after the Civil War but individuals could order booze from out of state for personal consumption, but re-sale was illegal. Despite that, many liquor retailers continued to operate there “sub rosa”.

Windy Bill is characterized as dealing with illicit Maine liquor dealers and putting all his orders through to Ring in Boston. Custom House Gin sold for $3.25 a gallon, Club AA for $3.50, and Club Old Bourbon for $3.50. One Crocket character remarks that in Maine a gallon of any of that hard stuff would cost six dollars. Windy Bill hints that the differential is a political payoff and he is in on the boodle. Although nothing is alleged about Ring getting kickbacks, the Maine monopoly obviously was lucrative enough.
Although Minnesota was a markedly “wet” state, Ring managed to trigger an investigation there. In 1908 the Hennepin County Attorney cross-examined officials of a local firm called Twin Cities Express Company, suspecting that it had been used as a conduit for the Boston dealer’s liquor without paying the required taxes. As revealed in an interrogation of an employee, the express company owed a big debt to Ring. Moreover, an agent of Ring’s named Reed had been inserted as treasurer of the firm and handled all the cash. The County Attorney asked: “What did your business with Ruben Ring Co. amount to?” The reply: “About $200 every two weeks.” That would be equivalent today to $5,000. It is not clear that any charges resulted from this investigation.
Was Reuben Ring a bad actor? Lewiston enforcement officials would say so. Dr. Crockett would likely agree, as might the Minnesota county attorney. The Boston dealer’s aggressive methods of selling his whiskey seems to have crossed the boundary of propriety in several places and at several times. Yet in his home town, others would have demurred. In 1908, while still under investigation in Minneapolis, Reuben was appointed a Boston justice of the peace. Earlier he had been made a director of the Fourth National Bank, a financial institution boasting $7,000,000 in deposits.

As for Reuben Ring, the 1920 census found him living on Boston’s Commonwealth Avenue, a widower, with the stepson and his wife. At 80 years old he was still listing his occupation as “liquor, wholesale.” He died the same year and was buried in Mayflower Cemetery in Duxbury, Massachusets. With National Prohibition now a fact, this was a last gasp for his enterprise. His company and his brands disappeared forever. But Ring, true to his nature as a “bad actor” clearly had never thrown in the towel to the “drys.”
Note: I am indebted to an alert reader who gives his name as "Grif" for providing me in December 2020 with the information on Reuben Ring's place of interment. Unfortunately there is no photo of his headstone on "Find a Grave."
Here is the link to Reuben Ring's gravesite location at Mayflower Cemetery in Duxbury, Mass.
Here is the link to Reuben Ring's gravesite location at Mayflower Cemetery in Duxbury, Mass.