The Netters were born of German immigrants who settled initially in California, possibly as participants in one of the gold rushes that regularly swept over Western landscapes. Eventually the family migrated East. There were four brothers: Henry H., Seligman, David and Theodore. Theodore gave his birth year as 1865 in California. Their liquor store first shows up in city directories in 1886, located at 2323 N. Second Street in

Initially, according to Philadelphia business directories, three Netters were proprietors: Henry H., David and Theodore. Four years later they had been joined by a fourth sibling,
Seligman. The first brother to defect appears to have been Henry. In 1893 he appears in directories as Henry H. Netter & Co. There his firm was noted as: “Producers of California and Ohio wines and brandies and Pennsylvania rye whiskies.” Henry’s brands included "Del Monte Rye Whiskey,”"Highground,” “Roxana” and "Pen & Pencil.” The last was his flagship brand, trademarked in 1905.
The next Netter to open his own business apparently was David in 1898. In partnership with Jacob

Seligman, perhaps as early as 1900, opened his own liquor store under the name “S. Netter.” Although several address are given, he appears to have located at several addresses on North Third Street

Although Theodore Netter was listed with Netter Bros. until 1900, at least one author, rightly or wrongly, has blamed him for the breakup, citing intra-family tensions. Sometime in the late 1890’s Theodore, with his wife, Hilda, established their own liquor business. After initial beginning at 54 North 13th Street, the firm moved to its permanent base at 1232 Market Street, next to Philadelphia’s Savoy Theater. From 1907 to 1914 Theodore also had a branch office in Chicago.

The 1910 Census found him and Hilda living with his brother-in-law, Benjamin

Although Theodore packaged his whiskey in the usual quart size, he

When Prohibition arrived, all four brothers were forced to shut down. By 1919 Seligman had moved to 818 North Broad Street and was running an auto supply store, according to Philadelphia directories. David remained at his address but his firm became “merchandise brokers.” Theodore seems to have gone into the cigar business, advertising in 1920 that he was selling Havana cigars for $3.50 a box of 50. A 1921 listing shows him involved in “dining.” Apparently he died not long afterward as Hilda Netter was listed as a widow in 1925.
Not withstanding Theodore’s death, after Repeal his firm’s name reemerged in the whiskey business, advertising liquor in regional newspapers and selling Crystal Creek whiskey for $1.15 a fifth.

Was Theodore the problem child who broke up the Netter Brothers? He had a penchant for running afoul of the pure food and drug laws, being fined twice for adulterating his wines. In his advertising he continually emphasized that this Netter had only one store -- indicating that he saw his brothers in definite competition. His was, Theodore claimed, “the largest and leading liquor store.” As to why the brothers all went their separate ways, however, the story remains untold.
Note: Telling the Netter Bros story in a few paragraphs is not easy because of difference among sources as to dates and addresses. I have tried to use the most likely information, but suspect that there are important gaps here.
Thank you for this bit of incite. I am remodeling a house and found a Henry H. Netter rye whiskey bottle stashed in the ceiling boards. Unfortunately it was empty, the cork dried out over time and I think it leaked out through a crack in it. But still an amazing find.
ReplyDeleteThanks. A Netter bottle is always good to find. I am still trying to figure out what split the Netter brothers into so many separate whiskey enterprises.
Im looking for a cobalt Netter barrel. What is the current market value I should expect to pay?
ReplyDeleteUnknown: I am not keeping up on prices and have no idea what one might be worth. Check with Worthpoint site.
ReplyDeleteThe Netter Bros are my great great great uncles or something like that.
ReplyDeleteUnknown: An interesting family. Sorting out their relationships might be a fascinating activity.