John H. Garnhart was a whiskey man and an inventor. His most intense and enduring activity,
however, may have been re-inventing himself, changing occupations and locations
frequently, and known under at least three names during a foreshortened
lifetime of only fifty years.
Likely as John “Garnhard,” our man was born in 1924 and raised in
the part of Virginia that broke away to become West Virginia at the time of the
Civil War. As recorded in the book
“Recollections of a ‘49er,” by Edward McIIheny, Garnhart was one of a
company of men recruited in Jefferson County in 1849 who paid $300 for merchandise
to sell to gold miners flocking to California. Upon arrival after a difficult trek westward he was able to
sell off his goods at premium prices.
His obituary suggested that Garnhart “laid the foundation for a fortune”
in California.
Nearly a decade passed until gold seekers panned a creek near what
is now the city of Denver. Rich
gold deposits were discovered and word quickly spread. As with most of the gold rushes across
the West, thousands of men uprooted themselves and headed to Colorado, the number
estimated at around 100,000.
Garnhart (by this time it likely was the way he spelled his name)
seemingly was in the vanguard.
Records shown him doing business in Denver during the mid to late
1850s. A 1859 legal document
indicated that Garnhart had been operating several enterprises in that city,
including selling liquor and groceries, making vinegar, and engaging in banking
and exchange activities. By that
year he had moved further east to St. Louis, Missouri, and had given over
management responsibilities for his enterprises and power of attorney in Denver
to a colleague.

Faced with the financial responsibilities of supporting a wife and
growing family, Garnhart also found ways to benefit from the Civil War that
raged over the Nation from 1861 to 1865.
No major battles were fought in or near St. Louis but the Mississippi River
at his doorstep was a vital waterway during the conflict and he could supply
his products via the river to other cities and towns. Moreover, the Union soldiers who occupied and garrisoned St.
Louis provided a lively market for strong drink.
A Virginian by birth,
it is not clear where Garnhart’s sentiments lay in the war. He came under suspicion, however, as a
possible Southern sympathizer in 1863.
In a letter of April that year Brigadier General Jeremiah C. Sullivan,
who commanded troops garrisoning parts of Tennessee wrote a letter to the
provost marshal in St. Louis about suspicious cargo off-loaded in his territory
from the steamship “Belle of Memphis,” shown above. The shipment contained 80
barrels of whiskey, a box of drugs, and ten ounces of quinine — all bearing the
name of Garnhart and Kelly.
Sullivan suggested the officer keep an eye on the firm.

Garnhart made good on his promise and in 1872 began to produce his
patented reaper. He employed about
fifty men most of the time and told the press he intended soon to increase the
size of the works. Then disaster. As one writer tells it: “…The 1873 depression swept across the
country, leaving a rich harvest of new enterprises in its wake. The once promising Garnhart Reaper
Works was one such casualty.”

Beginning in 1871 the notorious “Whiskey Ring” was taking shape in
St. Louis to defraud the U.S. Government.
The scam worked this way:
Crooked officials would attest that distillers and rectifiers had paid
all their taxes when they actually had paid about 60% of what they owed, much
of the money going as bribes. The
residual 40% owed stayed home. The
partners in J. H. Garnhart & Co. became part of the cabal. Why? It may have been a matter of “everybody was doing it” not
only in St. Louis but also in Chicago, Milwaukee and other Midwest cities. Non-joiners were being undersold on
their whiskey and often faced financial hard times.
Activities of the Ring began to draw suspicion by 1872 as federal
revenues from liquor sales in the region were observed to dwindle sharply. When Washington asked for an
investigation, it was a corrupt official named Brasher who conducted the inquiry. His report, filed in January 1873 was
drafted, a later investigation found, “such
as suited the distillers and rectifiers.” Brasher’s report purported to compare the books of the
liquor firms, including Garnhart & Co., with the records of the Collector
and Assessor of Internal Revenue (himself the ringleader) and not surprisingly
found no discrepancies. Brasher
concluded that his investigation “has failed to disclose that condition of
affairs, which was presumed to exist, from that condition of affairs made to me
by persons claiming to possess most direct and positive information about the
fraudulent distillation of spirits….”
The whistle-blowers, he declared, were flat wrong.
Nevertheless, rumors continued to fly, rumors that Garnhart in
Madison must have been aware of.
Moreover, the collapse of his reaper factory was imminent. Yet he apparently gave no hint of these
concerns. His obituary in the
Wisconsin State Journal (giving his name as “Garnhardt”) reported that he had
seemed “robust” with a strong hold on life. His last hours, it recorded, were in the city attending to
business in excellent heath and good spirits. He spent his last evening on the porch of Madison’s Park
Hotel in “animated conversation with his
friends.” The next morning, May
10, 1874, he died suddenly at the age of 50. Cause of death was listed as “syncope,” a medical term of
that day that could indicate a heart attack or stroke.

Whether Henry Ruggles was among them (Hall had died earlier) is
not clear. Even before the raid Garnhart’s
company may to have gone out of business.
It was replaced by a liquor firm named Adler, Furst & Co., that
advertised itself as “Successors to J. H. Garnhard & Co.” Located at the 19-21 South Second
Street, the company was listed in St. Louis business directories only for
1875. The reason seems
evident. According to press
accounts, Simon Adler and Abraham Furst were among those arrested in the
Bristow raid. Convicted, they were
slapped with a large fine and a prison term of one year in the Cole County,
Missouri, jail.
Meanwhile, back in Madison, Roberta Noe Garnhart was coping as
well as she could, with two teenaged daughters and three younger children to
bring up on her own. Five years
after John’s death, she married again, to the Chief Judge of the Wisconsin
Supreme Court, Orasmus Cole. Her
obituary indicated that it had been a successful union: “…No happier family has lived than
that over which she presided with charming propriety and graceful dignity.”
John Garnhart’s body had been returned to St. Louis in 1874 where
he was interred in Bellefontaine Cemetery in what has been described as a
“family tomb.” Roberta
joined him there following her death in 1884 after a long illness. Shown below, the mausoleum-like
structure later had to be dismantled because of water damage and the bodies
removed. As a result the Garnharts
currently lie in unmarked graves at the cemetery.
Over his foreshortened lifetime, John Garnhart packed enough
entrepreneurial activity for five men, prospering in California; owning companies
in Denver, St. Louis and Madison; designing bottles that today can fetch as
much as $75,000; merchandising a patent medicine that swept the country;
inventing and producing an improved grain harvester; and engaging in real
estate and banking activities along the way. While his early death may have spared him being caught in the web
of the Whiskey Ring, by virtue of his continual reinvention he made his mark
among the whiskey men of America.
Note: For a number of years I had wanted to do a vignette on John
Garnhart but lacked sufficient information. To my rescue came Jean E. DeLauche, an indefatigable
researcher and genealogist who is a distant relative of Roberta Noe Garnhart. She was able to supply me with an
immense amount of useful information on Garnhart, from his youthful trek to
California to his current place of interment. She also was the source of two illustrations. I am deeply indebted to Ms. DeLauche for being able to tell this story.
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