The Swearingen family were early settlers in America. Their founding ancestor was Gerrit Van Swearingen, a Dutch sea captain. When his ship foundered off the Atlantic coast, Captain Van Swearingen abandoned the foaming main, marrying a Maryland woman and settling on the East Coast. Toward the close of the 17th Century the family abandoned the “Van” and became simply “Swearingen. In 1804 some of the family migrated west to Kentucky, settling in Bullitt County in the far western bluegrass region. There George’s father, William Swearingen, grew up and in time became a wealthy farmer and slaveholder. He married Julia F. Crist, the daughter of Henry Crist, a Kentucky pioneer, Indian fighter and member of the state legislature.
Their son, George, was born in Bullitt County in 1837. With a rich farmer for a father, he was able to get a good education for the times, attending the Washington Academy and at the age of sixteen entering Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, perhaps the most prestigious academic institution in the state. During his career there Swearingen, it has been reported, “commanded the respect and good will of faculty and students.” After graduation, he taught school for a year and then returned to the farm to assist his father.
Within a year, at the age of 20, he took no time in finding a bride. She was Mary Embry, 18 years old, and likewise from a distinguished family. She was the daughter of Samuel Embry, a veteran of the War of 1812, and the granddaughter of Henry Embry, a Virginian by birth who had settled in Green County, Kentucky, in 1790. As one observer has put it, “this was an instance in which an early marriage proved fortunate as well as happy.” The timing may have been particularly fortunate given the impending onset of the Civil War. By now running a farm and with a daughter born in 1858 and sons in 1863 and 1864, Swearingen was able to avoid military service during the conflict.

Above is a map of Swearingen’s original plant. The distillery itself sits in the center, surrounded by warehouses, one rather detached. As a farmer, he also is feeding the spent mash to cattle in two sheds adjacent to the works. Given the distillery placement at the edge of the city, the odors from those sheds, as well as those from the distilling whiskey, obviously floated over the surrounding landscape.
In time, Swearingen would expand these facilities. As one observer said: “Beginning on a small scale it came one of the largest and most successful institutions in the state.” Shown here as expanded, insurance documents record a distillery that is built of brick and equipped with a fire-proof roof. The property contains seven warehouse, one a “free (no federal regulation) that stood 70 feet southwest of the still and six “bottled in bond” warehouses, all within 300 feet of the still. One cattle barn was left standing. This distillery could mash 1,200 bushels of grain daily and had the capacity to hold 65,000 barrels of aging whiskey. Later the warehouses would be expanded slightly to hold 70,000 barrels. Swearingen's had become a big, big operation.

This vigorous marketing was assisted by frequent advertising in a wide range of publications across the Nation. Swearingen also was aware of the merchandising power of giveaway items to the saloons, bars, restaurants and hotels carrying his brands of liquor. Among his gifts were an etched back of the bar bottle advertising Mellwood Whiskey and a shot glass. Another advertising item given to favor customers was a serving tray prominently advertising Mellwood Whiskey.

Some accounts indicate that Swearingen sold out his liquor interests when he moved to banking. Louisville business directories tell a different story. In 1890, a year after founding Union National Bank, he still was listed as president of Mellwood Distillery. The 1891-1892 directories indicate a shift. R. F. Balke was now the president of Mellwood Distillery and Swearingen listed as the vice president. His continued relationship with the company indicates that while he may have sold some of his stock, he remained invested in Mellwood. As late as 1895 directories continued to show Swearingen participating in Mellwood management as a vice president.

Sometime after 1896, dates differ, Mellwood Distillery was sold to the Whiskey Trust. Both Swearingen and Balke’s names disappeared from Mellwood listings replaced by a management team inserted by the Trust. Those executives lost no time in trademarking some of the company brands, a step that Swearingen had neglected. Among them were Mellwood Whiskey, Runnymede Club, Runny Rye, Normandy Pure Rye and Old Water Mill Whiskey.
Now able to concentrate full-time on his other enterprises or, as his obituary noted, “in the expectation and hope of a grand development of his plans,” Swearingen at the age of 62 in 1898 was stricken by illness, likely a stroke. A second stroke followed, and then a third in August 1901. He never recovered from this paralysis and declined throughout the fall of that year and into the winter, dying in December.
George Swearingen’s funeral was held at his home at 218 West Broadway in Louisville. He was interred in Section A, Plot 201, of Cave Hill Cemetery,, a burying ground where many influential Kentucky whiskey men lie. Note above the verse on his gravestone. Sadly, he had only his widow, Mary, and eldest son, Embry, at his graveside. His other three children had preceded him in death. Margaret died in childbirth at 29 in 1889, leaving a daughter of eight and an infant of two days. Mary followed in 1898 and William died six months before his father. Embry would go on to assume the presidency of the financial institutions his father had founded.
Swearingen's demise did not signal the end of Mellwood Distillery. In 1909 it opened a sales office in Cincinnati in the First National Bank Building. The Trust continued to operate the facility and market Mellwood Whiskey until the advent of National Prohibition. Even then the offices continued in use until 1924. After Repeal in 1934 the distillery was renovated and put back into production under the auspices of the General Distillers of Kentucky Corp. The bottling house was used through the 1960s but the distillery was closed for good in 1974, according to accounts.
George Swearingen, a pioneer Kentucky whiskey man who left off tilling the land to found a major distillery and other prosperous enterprises in his adopted city, deserves a final word. My choice is a quote from a newspaper obituary that offered an observation about what the “Mellwood Man” had meant to Louisville: “Here his sound judgment, broad intellect and high character shone conspicuously.”
Note: This last image of a Mellwood Bourbon reverse glass saloon sign was sent to me in December 2017 by California bottle collector Richard Burgarella with the thought that it would be a good addition to the Swearingen story. It is a marvelous pre-Prohibition artifact and I am delighted to add it here.
Note: This last image of a Mellwood Bourbon reverse glass saloon sign was sent to me in December 2017 by California bottle collector Richard Burgarella with the thought that it would be a good addition to the Swearingen story. It is a marvelous pre-Prohibition artifact and I am delighted to add it here.
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