Jellis (sometimes given as Jillis) Clute Wilmerding was born in Moscow (now Leicester), a village in western New York in 1833. He would be known throughout his life as “Clute.” His father was Henry Augustus Wilmerding, a well-off commission merchant and auctioneer with a reputation as “enterprising in business, of unquestioned integrity, and a very affable and pleasant gentleman.” His mother was Nancy Clute who bore Augustus four children.
Clute’s life changed forever when he was 13 years old. His mother, with whom he was very close, died and two years later his father married again, this time to Harriet Kellogg. Henry Augustus would have six more children by this second wife. Whether Clute did not get along with his stepmother or other reasons stemming from the changed situation at home, he determined to end his education early and seek his fortune in the West. In 1850, when he was barely sixteen, he borrowed $5,000 from his father, and with his cousins, Edward and Felix Tracy, chartered a schooner, the Samuel M. Fox. Built in a Manhattan shipyard, it was a brand new vessel. The young adventurers filled it with merchandise, their goal California where the “Gold Rush” was at its height.
Wilmerding’s New York passport application for the trip contained no photograph but the document provided a physical description of the young man. Clute was five feet, eight inches, tall, likely almost fully grown. His Dutch ancestry was evident. He had blue eyes and brown hair. His face was described as oval, with a high forehead, a “stout” nose, a large mouth, a round chin and an overall florid complexion. Further identifying him was a scar on his right temple and a crippled hand.
With his cousins, Wilmerding sailed on the schooner from New York City, around Cape Horn, and reached San Francisco in September, 1849. They pitched a tent on a beach about the spot where the Bank of California now stands at California and Sansome Streets and began to sell their wares. The enterprise not successful, however, and Clute found himself virtually penniless far from home and owing his father a large sum of money. In addition he had caught the gold fever sweeping the state and for the next year went prospecting. That too failed to pan out and he returned to San Francisco determined to get a job and earn enough money to repay his father. By dint of hard work over ensuing months he succeeded in paying off that debt.
Then his fortunes brightened. As a 1928 biography tells it: “In addition to the amount which he had paid his father, he had saved a few thousand dollars and intended to go back to the mines and start a store. He missed the boat, which was to have taken him to Sacramento, and as there was but one boat a week, he was going back from the wharf to his lodging wondering what he would do next, when he chanced to meet a Mr. Fargo, whom he knew slightly and who offered him a position as a salesman.” What this account leaves out is that Fargo & Company was a liquor business.

The company featured a limited number of brands. One of them, “Days of 49.” was illustrated by a giveaway saloon sign with an attractive Western scene featuring Indians, cowboys and cattle. It may have reminded Wilmerding of his own arrival in California that year. A second label was a riff on his partner’s name showing up as “Kellogg,” “Kellogg’s,” and “Kellogg’s AA.” He trademarked those brands in 1906.

Wilmerding also was active in more benign organizations. The 1871-1872 records of the Society of California Pioneers listed him as one of its directors. He was active in The Mercantile Library, the Academy of Sciences, a member of the Pacific Union Club of San Francisco and, with periodic visits there, of New York’s Union Club. At the Republican National Convention of 1880 he was a California delegate.

Clute Wilmerding never married but amassed a considerable fortune from his whiskey trade, as well as from important banking interests. His generosity to a range of San Francisco charities was well known, many of them to assist children, in whom he is said to have had a special interest. His contributions ranged from the Protestant Orphan Asylum, to the Hospital for Children, to the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association. But his dream was to create a school “to teach boys trades, fitting them them to make a living with their hands, with little study and plenty of work.”
Some have traced Wilmerding’s passion for a vocational school back to having left home so early, with no opportunity to acquire a trade. It has been suggested he felt the lack of one when he recalled his own grinding poverty in San Francisco as his early attempts to earn a living largely failed. One biographer has speculated: “Perhaps his early hardships in California, coming on him so suddenly, made him look with greater fondness of his interrupted boyhood.”
As his health deteriorated in 1893, Wilmerding made elaborate legal arrangements to provide money for a educational institution that would be called “The Wilmerding School of Industrial Arts” by willing it to the Regents of the University of California who were to create the school. For the purpose, he left $400,000, the equivalent of $10 million today. In February 1884, Wilmerding died.
After his death the California Board, respecting his wishes, established the Wilmerding School, beginning its operations in buildings located next to the California School of Mechanical Arts, also known as the Lick School after its founder. Over time the Wilmerding School merged with the Lick School and later with a training school for girls. The main building is shown above as it looked in the 1930s. Today it is known as the Lick-Wilmerding School and considered a prestige educational institution from which many students go on to college.
After Wilmerding’s passing, his company was bought by Louis Loewe. Loewe had been part of a San Francisco liquor dealership known as Loewe Bros. that apparently had terminated operations the previous year. Given the prestige associated with the founder’s name, the new owner called the revamped business the Wilmerding, Loewe Company and continued its popular whiskey brands. This firm moved several times, once as the result of the San Francisco earthquake and fire. National Prohibition forced it to close in 1919.
In death, Wilmerding’s left San Francisco, the city where he had made his fortune. His body was carried back by train to New York and Trinity Cemetery where members of his family were interred. Earlier he had donated $10,000 to be used for maintaining and improving that graveyard, with an emphasis on preserving the burial place of his beloved mother, Nancy. J.C. is buried adjacent to her, his father, and other family members. Wilmerding’s “riches to rags to riches” life had come full circle.
Note: Much has been written about the philanthropic efforts of Jellis Clute Wilmerding. Virtually all of the articles, each praising his generosity, omit any reference to the source of his money — the whiskey trade. It is as if the money dropped out of the sky on him, so sensitive has been the subject. I hope this post will assist in correcting the record of Wilmerding’s life.
Very interesting story!! You will be interested to know, however, that he is buried in his father's plot in Trinity Cemetery in northern Manhattan, New York City. You can find photos on
ReplyDeleteNeil: Thanks for your correction. Most appreciated. I have made the change and added a photo of Wilmerding's gravesite. I rely on sharp-eyed readers like you for complete accuracy.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting your article. Yesterday, while beach combing here in Nome, Alaska, I found an old Kellogg's Bourbon hard rubber bottle stopper with the W L co. and Riley Patent stamp that looks just like the photo above. Your article has given me so much history. I'm glad I didn't toss it back into the Bering sea.
ReplyDeleteNomemade: Just shows how popular Wilmerding's whiskey really was.
ReplyDeleteQuestion regarding the Wilmerding & Co. Picture that is present on this article.
ReplyDeleteWhat does the S.H.M stand for?
A few years ago, I received this framed print as a gift (bought at Hobby Lobby).
Phillip: Glad you have a copy of the Wilmerding sign. It is a dandy, esp. with the depiction of the horse race. "S.H.M." is an interesting question. Am not sure but it could refer to "sour mash" as the type of whiskey but am not sure what the "H." would stand for. If I get something on it will let you know.